NCC See Saw Wall Panels

NCC See Saw Wall Panels

Sale price$149.00
Dimensions: 24" x 96" Pieces: 3

Oversized BLIK Wall Panels are like wallpaper, only without the mess. The eco-friendly fabric panels are self-adhesive and easily applied and removed. Feel free to install Wall Panels in any order, flip them around, and arrange any way you want.

Wall Panels are sold as a set and individual panels are not sold separately. See our FAQs on Pattern Wall Tiles for more information about the care of this product.

Meet the Designer

Stephen Smith, aka Neasden Control Centre, is an illustrator and artist based in the UK. His art, type and site specific installations have been exhibited internationally including at More with Less MU, Netherlands, Now Jump! at Nam June Paik Centre, South Korea and Spank the Monkey Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, UK where the was one of 3 UK artists selected alongside Banksy and David Shrigley.