The Finer Details of Hospitality

Opening on the border of Echo Park and Downtown Los Angeles after rennovations, The Metric Hotel promises a peaceful stay and easy to navigate ammenitie through its strikingly ergonomic branded graphics.

Setting The Bar For A Prestine Stay
Greeting their guests with a soft graphical touch, The Metric leads with a measured introduction to their delicate and distinctive visual style, which wil take on more vivid configurations on the hotel's upper floors.

Navigating Unique Spaces
Wanting to empower their guests to navigate the space and serve their own needs with ease, an emphasis was placed on Blik’s designs to employ directory elements and serve as a form of wayfinding.
In service of this, Blik assigned each floor an easily identifiable theme that would nest cleanly into the Metric’s overarching visual motifs and personality, making good use of the parallel structure across the building’s upper floors.

Ready To Go Custom?
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